Friday, June 27, 2008
Sex Coaches
Too many quoteables- I too have been a victim of the "whip it out" strategy back firing.
For Immortal Technique..I put on a backpack

1. Death March
2. That's what it is
3. Golpe Estado
4. Harlem Renaissance
5. Lick Shots
6. Apocrypha
7. The 3rd World
8. Hollywood Drive by
9. Reverse Pimpology
10. Open your Eyes
11. The pay back
12. Adios, Uncle Tom (skit)
13. Stronghold grip
14. Mistakes
15. Out on Parole
16. Crimes from the heart (hidden track Rebel Arms)
I been bumpin this all week if you're into hardcore hip-hop or the underground scene I suggest you give it a listen. I wouldn't guide our readers in the wrong direction.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
48 Days...
One of EA's teasers that always seems to captivate people is the players' ratings:
Only one player has ever received a 100 rating in any category: Devin Hester, Speed, Madden 08. It's what every heap of polygons in the game aspire to have. This year, EA has let the genie out of the bottle, so to speak, and given an additional 7 players 100 stat ratings. Most Make sense, like Peyton Manning's Field Awareness, or Randy Moss's Jumping ability. One member of the 100 Club, however, seems out of place, and shows a little bit of what's wrong with how EA changes the game from season to season
Wayne Hunter, backup Right Tackle on the New York Jets, has a Morale rating of 100. Who is Wayne Hunter? Well, it took me a little while to figure that out, too. Mr. Hunter was drafted out of Hawaii by the Seahawks in the third round of the 2003 NFL Draft. Since then, he has been on 3 teams, and appeared in just as few games in 5 years. Those aren't starts, those are appearances! He could have been in there for five seconds. He sat out all of the 2007 season. There are numerous players ahead of him on the Jets depth chart.
How does he receive a 90 rating, let alone 100, in anything? I mean, I guess he is getting payed a couple hundred thousand dollars for having done absolutely nothing in his career, but still. On top of that, the player with the worst overall rating, Bills OT Demetrius Bell with a whopping 54 overall, has a 95 morale rating. Don't you usually feel down when you suck that bad?
The only thing that consoles me is the idea that EA realizes Morale does next to nothing in the game, and they made it so ridiculous this year so that next season they can claim that they fixed the morale stat as one of their yearly upgrades, so that it looks like something is different with the game other than updated rosters.
This got me thinking: what are some other bullshit categories EA could fall over themselves to give 100 ratings in?
Getting Away With Murder (Literally)
Leonard Little, DE, Rams
When you get away with killing an innocent women while your drunk-driving your rookie season, you attribute it to luck. When you get arrested again and fail three breathalyzer tests, it's a skill. Give this man a 100!
Party Shot Creativity
Matt Leinart, QB, Cardinals
Playing two-hand touch with hot under aged girls in your hot tub just isn't as fun as it used to be. And let's face it, The Game killed the whole downing a bottle of liquor thing. What's a man-boy to do? How about have your shirtless friend hold a Grey Goose bottle at his crotch while you suck it down? I haven't seen such homoerotic partying since the "Baby Bird" shot in the pilot for Gay Robot. Put another 100 on the board!
Everyday Is Halloween
Adalius Thomas, LB, Patriots
If you've watched Monday Night Football the past two seasons, you might have noticed a player rocking sunglasses in his intro. That's Adalius Thomas. He got into a car accident as a teenager and has a scar the size of my hand across the middle of his face. Adalius, you just stole millions of dollars from the Patriots, you can afford a little cosmetic surgery. You're not Harry Potter, you're not Corey Hart and this is not 1986.
Bottle Popping aka Making Stupid Decisions At Clubs
Javon Walker, WR, Oakland
Javon Walker's best friend and teammate, Darrent Williams, died in his arms (allegedly) in retaliation for getting into a champagne-spraying contest with gang members in a Denver bar. Walker keeps a shirt stained with Williams blood in his closet to remind him of the incident, and the consequences of one's actions. So what does Javon do in Las Vegas? Get into a champagne spraying fight that (allegedly) went wrong with Floyd Mayweather's crew. The way his career is going, Javon might have been smarter to save those bottles to pay his medical bills when he inevitably hurts his knee doing something stupid again. If there was a score above 100, I'd have to give it to him.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
My type of ad!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
1,005,045 Records Sold in 1 Week...
Anyways, here's a vid of the snake-haired drug-addict himself, thanking everyone for buying his album.
And here's a freestyle he laid over his A Millie beat, doing the same. Enjoy:
A Millie freestyle for fans
Saturday, June 14, 2008
I'm voting Republican
*This post does not represent the views of all 20k money making bloggers on the corner.
Miley Cyrus digs a hole..and buries herself
I'm predicting ether after this from ACDC after this weak sauce. Emmanuelle Chiriqui is way too sexy to be in this video- shame her soul is going to have to burn slow.
Karl Rove: The Tragic Gangster
While the 20,000 money-making brothers are too large a movement to have any one political agenda, we do consider a contemporary politico our patron saint. That man is Karl Rove. Why MC Rove? It’s because he has the audacity to say “Yeh, I’m a douchebag? AND What?” He dropped out of college and hustled his way to a posh office outside the Oval Office, a move that could only be made by a calculating man with swagger to spare.
We’ve been talking about Fox News a lot lately, and the other day I was flipping channels and caught Karl Rove on the Fox News set. This is a major coup for Fox. To snag THE election strategist of his generation away from the rich coffers of lobbying groups and political action committees is nothing short of a miracle. However, what is a giant gain for FNC is indicative of something much sadder for Rove: The reason he didn’t take any of those lucrative, cushy lobbying jobs is because, quite simply, nobody offered them to him.
There was an article in The Atlantic several months ago detailing one author’s view of why Rove failed so miserably as a political advisor to President Bush. As I think about the (lack of) actions by the Bush administration, Rove’s tenure plays out something like the plot of a gangster film. More specifically, I am referring to the archetypal downfall of the anti-hero the movie follows. Almost without exception, the main character of these films overcomes humble or unlikely beginnings, rises rapidly in the ranks, and establishes a criminal empire. However, the protagonist has some sort of bigger, perhaps even nobler, dream, the pursuit of which is thwarted by some combination of personal flaw and outside forces. At the end, they lose something dear to them as the toll of their failed journey.
In The Godfather series, Michael’s need for revenge and his inability to be accepted by polite society sours his plan of becoming a legitimate businessman, ending with the loss of his family. Tony Montana’s arrogance and overzealous ambition get the best of him in Scarface. Ace’s naiveté force him out of the drug game in Paid In Full. Last but not least, Frank White is incapable of escaping the past, and is rebuffed by New York, the city he so loved. Karl Rove borrowed from all of these characters’ failures, and in return, will ultimately be lost to history.
After the 2002 and 2004 election years, it looked like Karl Rove might indeed have an extended cameo in American history textbooks. Rove openly called them realignment elections. A realignment election is the rarest occurrence in American electoral politics. It happens maybe every 40 years, if that. They are momentous events that shift party allegiance, power, and transform the country. 2004 especially, in which he tapped into a pool of voters who hadn’t cast a ballot in decades (if ever), looked to be a mandate election, where Bush would have more power to accomplish his domestic policy goals. It wasn’t.
While one could argue that Rove was always a little too audacious or greedy, it didn’t show itself until Bush’s second term. With such a big win, Bush fulfilled his promise to Rove to get him more involved with policy, so that Rove could being to cement and take advantage of the electoral power shift he claimed had just happened. The problem was that it didn’t happen. It was beyond naïve to assume that ’04 was such an event. The last realignment happened less than 25 years before. The supposed “trigger” event, September 11, would have ushered in a change in attitudes about foreign policy, not domestic policy. And lastly, the issues Rove wanted to tackle weren’t the ones that got Bush reelected.
Bush was elected largely because people loathed John Kerry and because of a strong anti-gay marriage sentiment in key states. Bush and Rove’s policy goals were rarely given as the reason for voters to cast their ballots. President Bush wished to privatize Social Security, establish private health savings accounts, and conduct liberal immigration reform: all issues that were unpopular with a majority of Americans. Rove managed to pull out a win in spite of voters’ take on Bush’s agenda.
Whereas Rove’s naiveté was at fault in assuming a realignment had ushered the administration back into office with greater political power, his arrogance is what ultimately cost him his job and his place in history.
The one piece of Bush’s domestic agenda that was successfully passed through Congress, The No Child Left Behind program, came to fruition out of bipartisan political compromise, and the careful massaging of egos in the Capitol. After September 11, when Rove and Bush could have formed a strong bipartisan coalition within the legislature, they instead chose to ram bills down their collective throat. Not only did this squander an important opportunity to cultivate a working relationship with Democrats, it also alienated Republican leadership in Congress. In effect, Bush told them if you don’t pass this or that, you’re un-American. Rove didn’t even ask for the advice or opinions of the most senior Republican leadership when writing a proposed policy.
This cavalier attitude towards the way business was done doomed the rest of Rove’s tenure in the White House. Social security and healthcare privatization, which were achievable systems that existed in other countries, became impossible dreams on the Hill. The last, fatal misstep was the immigration reform debacle, where Democrats and Rove’s supposed Republican allies rebelled against Bush’s threats with embarrassing consequence.
Considering the path of Rove’s brief Washington career, I’m reminded of a scene from Paid In Full. We see dollars falling, and what we assume is a scene of Ace’s plush gangster lifestyle. The camera pans out, and we see it’s a stage, with actors acting out what Ace was once a part of. Yes, Ace gets to watch these little glories of his youth over and over again, but he can never live it over again. The same is with Rove. In the safety of the Fox studios he can watch the events play out this campaign season, he can talk about strategy, but because of his flaws, he will never be able to participate in the game.
Friday, June 13, 2008
R. Kelly not Guilty?
The verdict came six years after the R&B superstar was first charged with videotaping himself having sex with a young girl. Prosecutors had said she was as young as 13 at the time.
The Grammy award-winning singer dabbed his face with a handkerchief and hugged each of his four attorneys after the verdict was read. The singer had faced 15 years in prison if convicted.
Both Kelly and the now 23-year-old alleged victim had denied they were the ones appearing on the tape, which was played for the jury at the beginning and end of the trial.
The prosecution's star witness was a woman who said she engaged in three-way sex with Kelly and the girl from the video. Defense attorneys argued the man on the tape didn't have a large mole on his back, as Kelly does.
The jury of nine men and three women included the wife of a Baptist preacher from Kelly's Chicago-area hometown, as well as a compliance officer for a Chicago investment firm and a man in his 60s who emigrated from then-Communist Romania nearly 40 years ago.
Jurors took the sex tape at the center of the trial with them, and a monitor was set up in the jury room in case they wanted to review it.
Kelly was charged with 14 counts of videotaping himself having sex with an underage girl, who prosecutors say was as young as 13.Aaron Mcgruder is a prophet- why do I have the feeling this is how it went down?
You know we got that Wave

1. Intro (Milli Vanilla skit)
2. Paperwork
3. Picture me rollin'
4. Lip Sang
5. G'd up (remix) (Feat Henny Tha don)
6. Chase you home (Ft. Al Pac)
7. City wit' no hoes
8. Try me
9. Get low (ft. Al Pac)
10. We got doe (Ft. Al Pac)
11. Bad whiskey
12. Baby I wonder
13. Chevy Clean
14. Ready to ryde (ft Mack Mustard)
15. Uncle
16. The Tsunami (ft Al Pac)
17. Outro
18. In 2 Deep
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Make Election Day a Saturday?
Or better yet, as some have suggested, why not just make that Tuesday a national holiday? Other countries do it. Hmmm...
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Barack Obama's "terrorist fist jab"
Now, I'm not really sure what Fox News was getting at when they insinuated that the moment Barack and his wife shared could be interpreted as a "terrorist fist jab" but I honestly don't really care. I think it's apparent that even Fox knew the notion that the two were sharing some sort of "insurgent" secret hand shake is absurd and insulting. That's why they threw the idea out there and then ran away from it as fast as they could. But what they're doing is stirring the pot -- giving bitter, stubborn, old conservatives (it's a little unfair of me to pigeonhole with this term, but let's face it that's the demographic Fox caters to) something else to fear simply because they may or may not understand it and Fox tells them to be weary of it. But the idea that a body-language interpreter was even necessary is laughable.
That said, the video does highlight one indisputable fact that I'd like to address at this point. George W. is that dude. Fuck what you heard! Never again will a man be so inept to lead a country but be blessed with so much pure, unfiltered swagger as to con an entire nation into electing him president. Twice!
Style, swagger, charisma. A certain... je ne c'est quoi if you will. George W. Bush has it. In troves.
It has just been brought to my attention that it is well documented that Al Qaeda members often give each other dap after blowing shit up. Hmm. The plot thickens...
Monday, June 9, 2008
"Come join the Youth and Beauty Brigade!"
-Is it a law that every acoustic guitar-playing, folk sin singer chick wear a white dress?
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Friday, June 6, 2008
We're on Mogulus
Nas - Black President
Nasir gives his take on the current state of the nation and political atmosphere in the country. Looks like he's openly supporting Barack.
All political bias aside, it is my opinion that this is one of the better Nas songs I've heard in years. See kids? You don't have to wear a backpack to pass a message in your music. Check it out.
Click here to listen/download.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Lakai Skate Intro
Youtube Link
Obama claims Democratic nomination for 2008 Presidential election
*The preceding image is not intended as an endorsement of the candidate pictured; and even if it were, it would not reflect the views of all 20,000 money making bloggers on the corner.
*The truth is about, 1,357 of them are way too busy getting money to have even formed an opinion on the delegates thus far.
*Obama ftw.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Kobe x Jackass x Nike Hyperdunk
Nike continues it's absurd campaign for the Nike Hyperdunk, this time enlisting the aid of the Jackass crew...
*video moved to video bar*