Thursday, May 27, 2010

NEW FEATURE: Questions From Our Readers

Due to the abundance of letters and texts and ims we receive daily, we've decided to address some of the troubles and woes that are on the minds of some of our hypersexed and confused readers and perhaps help us all learn something...or not:

Carlito Asks:

Dear 20kblog,

I've been dating this girl for 6 months and it's getting pretty serious. We've been having some great sex...well at least great for me, but I don't think I'm satisfying her. She doesn't seem able to orgasm from sex with me and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. She's able to orgasm with her vibrator and she says its not a big deal, but it's DEFINITELY A BIG DEAL, right? I really care about her and want her to feel good with me. It also just makes me feel like less of a man. Please help me out.


Ike: You're not smashing

Wes: Secondly, I want to point out Carlito, that 20kblog members do not suffer from this most serious of inflictions...ever. We satisfy all our women, even perhaps some of yours. JK Rowling. But in earnest, I want to respond to your problem with a question: Do you want her to have an orgasm for her or for you?

Ike: If it's for you.... you need to also realize sex can feel good for women even if they don't have an orgasm every time so enough with the pressure.

Wes: Farreal. Women like sex sorta like you like sex. Have you never had your knobs slobbed and not came, yet enjoyed the experience nonetheless? And you can make women orgasm like crazy and still be a douche. Do you wanna be a douche Carlito? Do you? If not, chill. Enjoy your woman. Trust that she's enjoying you, when she tells you she's enjoying you.

Ike: "Knobs slobbed" ... Nice... But, anyways Carlito, if you're trying to make her orgasm for her... then you gotta start swivelin' your hips, dude.

Wes: Not too much though. I have a patent pending on that. But talk to her. Figure out what kind of kinky-disgusting-back-breaking-nasty-Kendra-sextape-type shit she likes and DO that. Your penis might not even be part of the show. You gotta be willing to really work with her and for her to make this work... to make this relationship work.

Ike: Or invest in more batteries.

If you have any questions or concerns you would like us to address here just shoot us an email at (f.y.i. we will probably make fun of you.)

OH SNAP! Curtis "Fiddy" Jackson's Dying of Cancer!

Well not really. He's just that great of an actor. Link to the movie that will clearly get an Oscar nom (and by that, I mean this will clearly help a dude named Oscar selling the bootleg on the ave get a sandwich and nom nom it.)
And here's another link begrudgingly to a huffpost article that shows more pics and info about the diet.
I suggest if you are not making money like we making money, partake in the diet.