Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Lesbos Sue Gays
Ike: What? Like, themselves, or just gay men?
Ron: No, no, I mean the people of Lesbos. The Greek Island. They're
suing gays.
Ike: Ok... as in a few gay people in Greece, a particular
homosexual organization or like... the entire international gay community...?
Ron: Well not the ENTIRE gay community. Just the chicks.
That conversation really happened. Now we don't fancy ourselves to be a news service here at 20K, but this was just too good to ignore. Lesbos, coincidentially (or not so much) an island famous for birthing the poet Sappho who rapped about nothing else but liking girls who like girls who like girls, is finally tired of being associated with same-sex relations. As one male Lesbian complains, "My sister can't say she is a Lesbian. Our geographical designation has been usurped by certain ladies who have no connection whatsoever with Lesbos."
The article is filled with gems like, "The word lesbian has only been linked with gay women in the past few decades but we have been Lesbians for thousands of years" and "But even if we assume Sappho was [gay], how can 250,000 people of Lesbian descent — including women — be considered homosexual?"
Check the article out here.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
20,000 Crack Commandments

Contained within its musky leather binding are all the rules a brother must live by, lest he be labelled a mark-ass trick, or even worse, a trick-ass mark.
Some highlights include:
BC26: "A Bro will, in a timely manner, alert his bro to the existence of a girl fight."
BC89: "A Bro may never pursue the hot mom of a fellow Bro. A Bro may hook up with a Bro's hot step-mom if said MILF initiates the hook-up or is wearing at least one article of leopard-print clothing."
The Psalm of the Bros
BC59: "1 Bro makes a solo attack
A 2nd Bro makes a crutch
The 3rd Bro rounds out the pack
The 4th Bro is one bro too many"
And of course, the Golden Bro Code
"Bros over Hoes."
Of course, the Bro Code is a living document. What other rules should us money-making bros follow? Leave them as comments.
Oh and if you want to read corollaries to the Bro Code, visit
Madonna again (just cuz)
She's about to be 50 and i'd still smash, going on her 11th studio album and she still hot, moved to England and she still what American pop is about...
This is a lil sample of the album, a track called "A Mile Away". (This is the remix with some random dude. He had a lisp and I feel like thats what the track was missing.)
dl link
Monday, April 28, 2008
Happy Birthday!!!
Madonna, Skateboard, and Yeezy? Crack...
Ok, well maybe not quite crack... But a really good bong rip. Or at least 2 or 3 energy drinks back to back.
Link to the song
And why have we been posting so many MP3s and videos lately? Eww. Eww at us!
You guys wanna hear about Spring Fling. Pics and a recap soon! I promise.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
"Sounds like Chewbacca taking a shit"
"I called her a bitch right in front of her tits!"
He Can Rap?
The funniest thing to me about this video is the fact that I didn't even realize Consequence was in it until now. Somehow this dude manages to sneak into every other post we make here. What is this his 4th or 5th time on the blog?
New Rule: no more Consequence.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Kanye vs. Jonah Hill
Connect 4 - Jonah Hill vs. Kanye from kwest on Vimeo.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
over 18 million American adults served...
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008
"Aww Man! These N***** Still Kissing..."
Ever heard of Terrance Dean? He’s worked for MTV, written a few books, and bedded a few famous men in his day: straight mothafuckin o-g style! And apparently, Mr. Dean never learned that it's impolite to felch and tell.
So, everybody got hype for that Wendy Williams tell-all, but they clearly weren’t Money Makin’ Brothers, cause if they were they’d remember 20k Money Makin’ Rule #105: “Don’t believe shit that bubble-eyed bitch says!”
Dean says he isn’t going to name names, but that it will be clear who he will be referring to…which is basically the same thing. I think we’ll all know who he’s talking about when “S.E.X.” and “Gay-Z” pay a visit to his poop-shoot for the first time.
Why should hip-hop be surprised, or really even care? How many times has your favorite rapper spit 16 bars about going to prison, that prison time was easy, or even that they liked it? As Cam put it "18 months -please- that aint facin time Im stressed anyway - need it for vaction time!" Has he never seen Oz? I'm gonna be real up-front: dudes don't enjoy prison unless they: a.) can't take care of themselves adequately in free society b.) like hiding contraband up their man-hole, or c.) aren't bothered by the constant threat of spending happy hour on a Provincetown Barstool (shout out to P-Town!).
Hip-hop culture puts an emphasis on keeping up with and setting new trends in fashion. Flamboyance is praised. The strength that comes from strong bonds with similarly-aged and flashy young men is emphasized. All steretotypes of gay men, be they right or wrong.
Of course, we won’t know until the book comes out, or Dean does his first interview on Hot 97.7. So, in the spirit of the death pool, let’s call our shots. Which rappers do YOU think will boogie out of the closet and why? I’ll be the first to say it: Weezy and Birdman have been suspect for years. What with the kissing, Lil Wayne’s penchant for saying how much he loves anal sex and crediting Baby for it, just…everything…. pause- He's pretty much been throwing it in our faces for a while now "Weezy f-cking Baby, please say the baby" sounds like homosexual jargon if you ask me.
Ike's Take:There is no question in my mind that at least some of rap's most prominent artists are gay. I don't think there's really a debate there, I mean statistically it's a very plausible assumption to make. And honestly? I don't really care. So you're a gay rapper... so what? I think I speak for everyone here at 20K when I say there is nothing wrong with homosexuality. Not that we have nothing against it, but flatly there is nothing wrong with it. As long as you keep spitting that hot fire that keeps my neck sore from knocking my head so much (I'm sorry, but pause) who cares what you do in the privacy of your own bedroom. And besides, I mean let's be real... we all already knew that DMX loves the man-booty-hole: "Cuz dog! Once you hear that *ARRFF ARRFF* I'm coming!!"
Actually I'd like to make one change to my previous statement. I do have a HUGE issue with gay ass rappers fronting like they're not, and filling their lyrics with homophobic nonsense and hyper masculine he-man bullshit. Lil' Wayne, STOP! You kiss another man, on the mouth openly and repeatedly. I'm tired of hearing the phrase "no homo" on every other verse you write. Especially on Lollipop. What the hell is wrong with you?
Friday, April 18, 2008
a BROtastic adventure!!!
REAdy, Set, BROooOOo!!!
Our good friends Sam, Egan, Vince, Jenkins (he's a racist) and another bro that I can't recall the name of have embarked on a weekend BRo-dtrip to the city of Bro-therly love, Philadelphia. We at 20kmoneymakingbloggersonthecorner fully support the bond that can only be shared between bros and find this act of pure Bro-manship admirable. In this '95 volvo they hope to find what Bro-dism scholars have coined as Bro-vana, a state in which Bros reach complete enlightenment and understanding and become completely comfortable with their place in the Bro-niverse, they become one with the effervescent Bro-force that surrounds and is part of all things but is invisible to the average BRo.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Monday, April 14, 2008
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Conspiracy Keys
So apparently Alicia Keys told Blender magazine that “Gangsta rap was a ploy to convince black people to kill each other. Gangsta rap didn’t exist.”
She also goes on to say: "the East Coast-West Coast Beef with Tupac Shakur and Notorious B.I.G. was fueled by the government and the media, to stop another great black leader from existing."
Well I don't know if she got turned out by an ex black panther or something recently, but "Gangster" rap was created by rappers who pretended to be gangster's to sell more records. To suggest that the government spent tax payer money on studio time, tour buses and Dre beats is just straight up stupid. Although the thought of Reagan sitting in the oval office listening to "Can I borrow a Dollar" and yelling at his assistants to bring him some gangsta sh-t is hilarious to me.
Before rap there was gangs, drugs, crime, pimps and all of that. Clearly Gangsta rap is the product of the ghetto and not the government. She tried to make it seem like the end goal of Gangsta rap was to kill black people- no the end goal was to make money. All of those dudes in the early 90's took the CB4 Gusto route strictly to make money and gain fame. Unfortunately the masses will always be intrigued by the gangster lifestyle in one way or another which is why labels sign them. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the occasional "I'll put the shotty to your body" esque raps from time to time, but to suggest that N.W.A. was a product of the C.I.A. or something similar is one of the more stupid comments I've heard some one affiliated with hip-hop say. Although it doesn't quite outrank Lupe's "A dope dealer would crush Barack Obama in a conversation" and Prodigy's "George Bush Sr. f-cks little boys to take their youth from them- thats why he's living so long" comments.
She continued to say "If black leaders such as the late Black Panther Huey Newton had the outlets our musicians have today, it'd be global. I have to figure out a way to do it myself".
So I guess we can expect songs such as "You don't know my name...because the white man took us from our native home and stole our names" or a soothing R&B hit like "Karma(an ode to 9/11)". I don't know what she was thinking but I wouldn't be surprised if she got black balled from the industry for these ridiculous statements. The government isn't hip enough to have created gangsta rap, didn't she see when Karl Rove tried to dance? Apparently she dropped out of Columbia to pursue her music career and it shows, Alica I love you- but shut the f-ck up.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK (or Corner. Original 5 moneymakingbloggers)
Friday, April 11, 2008
Hmm, What is Dick eyeing?
Some may speculate to what that reflection is in his sunglasses but I wanna know what you guys think. Look closely. Let your imagination do some work. Then connect the reflection to the perverted Vice Presidential smile.
source: transworldnews
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Jumping Over High-Priced Sports Cars...
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Iron Mic!!
I don't know how long this video is gonna stay up here. I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. I'm torn morally, but this is hilarious...
Who's Crying Now? = POWERFUL
P.S. Why was Journey so powerful??!!!
-"Oh shit! Its Ek! Run nigga run!"...Anonymous
Monday, April 7, 2008
Lollapalooza 2008 lineup [real strong]
and they names follow as:
Rage Against the Machine
Nine Inch Nails
Kanye West
The Raconteurs
Louis XIV
Love and Rockets
Gnarls Barkley
Bloc Party
The Black Keys
Broken Social Scene
Lupe Fiasco
Flogging Molly
Mark Ronson
Cat Power [thats her in the top pic...dibbs]
The National
G. Love & Special Sauce
Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings
Explosions in the Sky
Brand New
Gogol Bordello
Stephen Malkmus & The Jicks
Dierks Bentley
Okkervil River
Amadou & Mariam
Blues Traveler
John Butler Trio
Girl Talk
Your Vegas
Eli "Paperboy" Reed & the True Loves
Steel Train
Jamie Lidell
Bang Camaro
Butch Walker
The Blakes
Mates of State
Tally Hall
Spank Rock
White Lies
Brazilian Girls
Magic Wands
Electric Touch
The Kills
The Postelles
Rogue Wave
The Parlor Mob
The Go! Team
Bald Eagle
Mason Jennings
The Gutter Twins
Ha Ha Tonka
Grizzly Bear
We Go To 11
Sofia Talvik
The Weakerthans
Booka Shade
Santogold [thats her in the other pic...secondary dibbs]
Black Kids
Black Lips
Dr. Dog
Nicole Atkins & the Sea
The Ting Tings
Kid Sister
The Cool Kids
What Made Milwaukee Famous
Does It Offend You, Yeah?
The Whigs
Manchester Orchestra
The Octopus Project
Cadence Weapon
De Novo Dahl
Noah and the Whale
Margot & the Nuclear So and So's
Serena Ryder
Newton Faulkner
So we all going to Chicago! How many planes are we gon' need for 20,000? Chris call Jet Blue, we'll pay you back later.
source: Chicago Sun-Times
I Don't Want to Turn this into a Video Blog but...
and just because that might leave everyone feeling down...
Sunday, April 6, 2008
I really like this song...and she might be blonde
The songs name is Sweet]muffy-sweet.mp3
♫ Muffy - Sweet!
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Friday, April 4, 2008
"I'd rather have some Ide's and some dimes in the crib chillin'"
Answer: False! Why else would he be making money?!?!
It's the weekend. Time to spend that dough and get wasted, and when you're not vibing off Armand de Brignac or that Hangar 1, you ought to be dropping $2 and doing it like Biggie, Pac, and Snoop did:
And because I caught it while on YouTube, here's Biggie at 17, freshly dropped out of high school embarrassing MC's and staying on the corner!
"Wokka, wokka. Who wants to hear a funny ass joke?"
Chris out.
Queen of Hip-Hop Soul and this dude Shawn she know from 'round the way

We had pretty good seats and honestly they both did their thing.
There was this one part in Jays set where he performed Can I Live and he told everyone that came along during Blueprint 1 and 2 to sit down for a sec while all the Reasonable Doubt heads had their time.
This made me smile for 2 reasons:
1. He acknowledge that he is two artists, an immensely talented upshot from Brooklyn and the sell out we've come to love.
2. And although Can I Live is a classic, alot of people had to sit down and whisper amongst themselves, "is this off a mixtape or something?"
Anyway, concert was straight. Mary killed it and there were fireworks.
MC Rove is a Straight G...
I like speaking to the college campuses.
And the first question, someone called you a cancer.
Right. Oh, sure.
You must get that all the time.
Uh, I get it some. When I go to campuses. But did you hear what I did? I just let him rant. And when he was finished, he had no question, he just wanted to accuse me of undermining the Constitution and blah-blah-blah-blah-blah. And I said, "Thanks for your thoughtful rant." And he sat down. And I said, "Now do you feel better about yourself?" And he said, "Yeah." And I said, "Well, I want you to feel better about yourself." And everybody laughed, and we went on.
Watch that entire video... His flow is impeccable. His swagger? Phenomenal.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
A up and coming indie/rock/pop/hiphop band by the name of G[orilla]-Unit...
... headed by the charismatic Curtis "50 cent" Jackson, has released a new song entitled "I Like the Way She Do it". By all standard criteria for musical judgment this song should be labeled mediocre at its best, but no, this ambitious group of musicians has once again altered the common perception of good music. In a world where the lyrical stylings of the Killers or Death Cab For Cutie are assign the inscription of being poignant and inventive (amongst other bands. These bands were simply in my recently played on Itunes) and formula and hollowed sentence structure in rhyme have become almost universally frowned upon, lead vocalist Jackson finds it upon his shoulders to correct this injustice. While artists, like young Victor "N.O.R.E." "Noreaga" Santiago from Lefrak City mentioned below, have attempted to alter the vehicle of shallow lyrical delivery, Jackson adamantly opposes any sort of alteration. "I Like the Way She Do it" exists as simply the latest chapter in Jackson's Trapped in the Closet-esque serial which began with "In Da Club." Jackson brings with him the vocal talents of Christopher Charles Lloyd [Banks], Marvin Bernard [Tony Yayo], and David Darnell Brown (Young Buck). On this track these men create a unique melodic ensemble that has not been seen since G-Unit Radio 1-25, Beg for Mercy the album, Get Rich or Die Trying, Get Rich or Die Trying OST, Get Rich or Try Dying... and their most recent, Elephant in the Sand Mixtape. Keep a look out for their next album Lock and Load scheduled for summer 08 (unless you have any other 50, Banks, Yayo, or Buck album, then just play that. You're not missing much.)
p.s. chris fix this. embedding shit is too much work and I gotta be out to watch Mary J. Html sucks balls and not even in that good way.
I'd Like to Give a Shoutout to...
Ok, that's the last shameless plug for a friend's page that I'm doing, I promise.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Ya'll heard these niggas done tied the knot!!???
I know my dislike for a certain Mr. Sean Carter is well documented within the community, and I know the team is strong on their celebrity gossip grind, but how is this gon' just happen!
Truthfully, I feel like this is a good look for ugly dudes born in Brooklyn *cough, cough*, especially those creeping up there in their years and lookin sloppy. (Red Stripe ain't gon' help the belly situation brotha.)
This ain't a celebrity gossip blog really but i jus felt like niggas should know if they ain't already (and I know a whole bunch of people that just like seeing Beyonce looking kinda busted.)
New MSTRKRFT ft. Nore