Contained within its musky leather binding are all the rules a brother must live by, lest he be labelled a mark-ass trick, or even worse, a trick-ass mark.
Some highlights include:
BC26: "A Bro will, in a timely manner, alert his bro to the existence of a girl fight."
BC89: "A Bro may never pursue the hot mom of a fellow Bro. A Bro may hook up with a Bro's hot step-mom if said MILF initiates the hook-up or is wearing at least one article of leopard-print clothing."
The Psalm of the Bros
BC59: "1 Bro makes a solo attack
A 2nd Bro makes a crutch
The 3rd Bro rounds out the pack
The 4th Bro is one bro too many"
And of course, the Golden Bro Code
"Bros over Hoes."
Of course, the Bro Code is a living document. What other rules should us money-making bros follow? Leave them as comments.
Oh and if you want to read corollaries to the Bro Code, visit
cmon guys. stop with the name calling. I'm never gonna let my 20000 brothers down, so you shouldn't either :)
damn i just got rickrolld. again!
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