My fellow Hip-Hop heads have me on the edge of insanity, why is it that every time some one doesn't like an artist they are given the dreaded title of a "hater"? That I don't understand, no fans of any other genre will use that term or any other term insinuating the same thing. They can easily disagree with each other and just chalk it up to having tastes.
Example: I was chillin with a few of my friends who aren't into rap at all just laxin' and some how Team Sleep came up. One of my friends didn't like them and the other LOVED them. A debate ensued and basically ended up with the two saying they had different tastes, because quite frankly Team Sleep isn't for every one.
That leads me into my personal experience with being labeled a hater. Just yesterday I marathoned like 2-3 mixtapes by Drake. I wasn't impressed. Do I think he could potentially sell millions with the right promotion behind him? Yes but he's not the savior of rap that the internet is chalking him up to be. Dude is like a male Lauryn Hill with less versatile lyricism, and weak hooks I wasn't feeling him- but maybe hes that kind of an artist that you need to let grow on you who knows. My homegirl had a facebook status with a quote from his latest mixtape and I basically was like "I'm not really feeling Drake like that the internet overrated him." I get hit with the "hi hater". Maino definetley started some shit. When I read that I basically had a nostalgic flashback of all the times I've heard the word hater in my life and lead me to this rant.
I didn't like the dudes music- am I wishing he gets hit by a bus? Am I wishing that all the bad things in the world happen to him and only him? I'm not even calling him a transgendered Canadian soap opera actor. I hope he gets all the success in the world- I'm just not a fan. It's ok to hate things rap fans, what can I say? I hate things that I hate- it's ok to not like everything. While I'm saying that I don't like the word hater, that doesn't mean that haters dont exist. People that just hate everything the artist puts out regardless of the quality, but becareful when throwing around the term hater.
There are haters, and then there are people with different tastes.
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