Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Lesbos Sue Gays

Ron: Lesbians are suing the gays?
Ike: What? Like, themselves, or just gay men?
Ron: No, no, I mean the people of Lesbos. The Greek Island. They're
suing gays.
Ike: Ok... as in a few gay people in Greece, a particular
homosexual organization or like... the entire international gay community...?
Ron: Well not the ENTIRE gay community. Just the chicks.

That conversation really happened. Now we don't fancy ourselves to be a news service here at 20K, but this was just too good to ignore. Lesbos, coincidentially (or not so much) an island famous for birthing the poet Sappho who rapped about nothing else but liking girls who like girls who like girls, is finally tired of being associated with same-sex relations. As one male Lesbian complains, "My sister can't say she is a Lesbian. Our geographical designation has been usurped by certain ladies who have no connection whatsoever with Lesbos."

The article is filled with gems like, "The word lesbian has only been linked with gay women in the past few decades but we have been Lesbians for thousands of years" and "But even if we assume Sappho was [gay], how can 250,000 people of Lesbian descent — including women — be considered homosexual?"


Check the article out here.

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